Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Bad Sector Problems and How They're Addressed

'Bad sector' is a frequently heard term by tech people but most people don't understand it deeply. Handling of bad sectors involve cooperation of storage hardware, volume drivers, and file system drivers. Hence understanding how such problems are handled and mitigated is pretty complicated. Let's address the subtleties of the topic one by one.

Sector Remapping by the Disk Hardware Itself

Most modern disks have some error correction code (ECC) per each sector. So if the disk h/w notices that data read from a sector doesn't add up to its checksum, it corrects the sector data using error correction code for that sector. Disk remaps this sector to a spare sector as soon as possible to prevent permanent data loss. Even disk drives that have this functionality can run out of spare sectors and may not be able to do remapping anymore.

Another case is even if the sector has gone bad beyond error correction, sector still can be remapped the next time it's written to. This is because the old data was going to be overwritten by the new write and old data in the sector becomes irrelevant.

Sector Remapping by the Volume Driver Software

SCSI disks provide an interface to explicitly map a bad sector to a spare sector. Imagine a sector has gone bad beyond the point of error correction (or maybe disk sectors didn't have ECC in the first place). In this case disk hardware can't remap the sector without data loss. But if there's redundancy in place (like a mirrored RAID system) volume driver can get the redundant sector data, remap the sector to a spare one on the disk drive, and re-write the remapped sector with the redundant data. This way sector is saved without involving the file system driver at all.

If the sector data can be saved because there's redundancy but the bad sector can't be remapped because there aren't any remaining spare sectors, then there's still a solution but it requires cooperation from the file system.

Sector Remapping by the File System

First I should say that file systems don't really do sector remapping. All they do is marking a sector as bad so they won't use it in the future. Depending on whether the current operation is a read or write and whether sector data had some redundancy to it, flow of events will be different.

  • Reading the sector
    • Sector has gone bad but volume driver has recovered the data via redundancy (e.g mirrored RAID)
      • In this case file system marks the sector as unusable, finds a free sector to replace it and writes the sector data to this new sector. Note that this is not a physical remapping, file system is just ignoring this bad sector from now on. It's like a black hole in the sector bitmap.
    • Sector has gone bad and data is lost.
      • Any reads from the related file's related part will return an I/O error to the caller.
      • If the failed sector was part of file system's metadata, then a repair action on the file system is necessary but still file system will lose some metadata in all likelihood.
  • Writing to the sector
    • File system will mark the bad sector as unusable in its sector map, and use a free sector in its place and write that sector with the new write data.

A Case Study

Recently a colleague of mine had checksum errors with his git repository. As the issue was being discussed some people suggested his hard drive is probably failing and he's having bad sectors. As you'd see in the above notes when there's a bad sector file systems don't simply return garbage data from the sector. If the sector data can be saved by something in the I/O stack (FS driver, volume driver, disk driver, disk H/W etc.) it will be. Otherwise caller of the file read operation will get an error code saying data couldn't be read. Of course this may not be the case for all file systems in the world but any production quality file system has to behave this way.

So any checksum problems like my colleague had would most likely be the result of application level bugs rather than file system returning gibberish data for bad sectors.  


Most information here is based on NTFS and Windows' out of box volume driver. But it should still be mostly applicable to most modern production quality software.

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